
Tip overview

Tips for Maeve - How to play best against him in general



General vs Maeve
Maeve can double jump, but newer players don't realize you can jump a third time after pounce. Experienced players use this to stay in the air for long periods of time (Rouges Gambit: jump, pounce/jump, 9 Lives, pounce/jump) use stun/cripple for this
Submitted by r1v3rl1ght 4 years ago
General vs Maeve
Maeve is a very good champ but you need to buy the right items: Haven or Blast Shield, Kill to Heal, Chronos, Cauterize are the best items. Only pick Wrecker if the enemy has a Torvald!
Submitted by CreamyPastel 5 years ago
General vs Maeve
While Maeve is best at flying around an open map, a closed environment doesn't hinder her performance. Use Prowl to speed around corners, and jump INTO corners to confuse the enemy.
Submitted by proactiveperson 5 years ago
General vs Maeve
If you use Street Justice, you can fulfill the need of a damage, since this card helps to take any tank down
Submitted by AlexSullivan 6 years ago
General vs Maeve
Recently, Maeve's Midnight was heavily nerfed - it can be countered by Resilience (at the time of making this) and go down to a minimum duration of around 2 seconds. If the option is available to you, buy Resilience - especially if you're her target.
Submitted by WildCharger 6 years ago