
Tip overview

Tips for the matchup: Lex vs. Maeve



Maeve can down you in just a few knives. Get Haven and Life Rip for sustain, and save In Pursuit for securing the kill. Discovery will be the best choice to keep her in check, making sure she doesn't flank from behind and poke the backlines.
Submitted by encrypted_ki 7 years ago
Don't solely rely on In Pursuit to take her down. Use Combat Slide often to reposition yourself; it may help you avoid a Pounce. Missing could mean death, so don't jump or spamclick, as those lower your accuracy. Death Hastens is ideal against Maeve.
Submitted by ObamaExperience 5 years ago
In Pursuit is highly effective against her. One or two shots are all it takes to let In Pursuit finish her off. Side note: She might heal while you are using In Pursuit should she have Artful Dodger, Patch Up, and/or Savagery.
Submitted by Ironmonger42 7 years ago
Lex can kill Maeve easily because NO ONE ESCAPES THE LAW!
Submitted by Anonymous 7 years ago