
Tip overview

Tips for Bomb King - How to play best against him in general



General vs Bomb King
What seperates good BK players and bad BK players is their timing of their bombs. If you see a noob BK missing all his shots, try to pressure him and kill him. But be careful! Many (noob) BK's will panic and use all of their abilities to kill you.
Submitted by Genzõ 6 years ago
General vs Bomb King
Having trouble using your ultimate? Try to use poppy bomb first and then immediately king bomb (Ultimate), this will make you faster than a max speed maeve, so the enemy wont even bother trying to kill you while you're trying to give them a big hug.
Submitted by Genzõ 6 years ago
General vs Bomb King
With the right cards,Bomb King can be a really mobile champion.Watch for the skies....
Submitted by ConTheKoala 7 years ago
General vs Bomb King
Due to Bomb King's significant lack of ranged attacks and abilities, any sniper or long range champion like Cassie or Lian can counter him quite easily. Just make sure you block all side routes, because Bomb King can very easily sneak in.
Submitted by CounterFite318 7 years ago
General vs Bomb King
Many Bomb King players lay "traps" throughout the maps. When you see sticky bombs on the floor or on walls, shoot them to destroy them! They take no more than 5 bullets to destroy and can save a teammate from walking into it and getting blown up.
Submitted by defendingfaithx 7 years ago